President Introduction
Mr. Tian Wenshun,whom was born in the August of 1964,is the member of the Chinese Communist Party and senior economist....
About Jinghua
Dezhou Jinghua Group,which located in Shandong Peninsula and around Bohai sea district economic.....
Organization Structure
Including a group set up under the three main relative holding subsidiaries-JINGFENG,ZHENHUA,DABA....
Abtains the title of honor of "Chinese famous building material enterprise""the top 500 best economic...
鎴戜滑鎵灝婂磭鐨勬槸涓縐嶉浄鍘夐琛屻佷護琛岀姝€佽鍒板仛鍒般佸姟姹傚疄鏁堢殑宸ヤ綔浣滈銆?br />
騫蹭簨鍒涗笟銆佸埄鍦ㄥ叾涓槸鎴戜滑鏅跺崕嫻撳帤鐨勪紒涓氭枃鍖栥?br />
涓烘瘡涓涓鎴鋒彁渚涙渶楂樹環鍊肩殑鏈嶅姟銆佷笌瀹㈡埛鍏卞悓鎴愰暱鏄垜浠案鎭掔殑鐩爣銆?br />
Subsidiary corporation of Jinghua
Jingfeng:Office:86-0534-2233669 | Sale:86-0534-2233583
ZHENHUA:Office:86-0534-2612177 | Sale:86-0534-2612326
DABA:Office:86-0534-2465600 | Fax:86-0534-2465600